A committed relationship can be fulfilling, exciting, and stabilizing… and frustrating, confusing, and upsetting.
When things are good, your relationship can be a safe harbor from all the other stresses out there, where you can come home to rest, feel good to be who you are and be loved for it. But a relationship like this usually doesn’t just happen on its own, which is why so many couples today are seeking therapy at some point during their relationship. An experienced perspective, some honest communication, and a little practice can move your relationship back to being a source of understanding, support, and joy.
I see a lot of couples who say “We probably should have come in years ago…” The longer issues fester in a relationship, the more resentment and distance builds, and the more partners become hardened against the other’s experience. It’s like the saying “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.” Well even if you missed the chance to resolve issues in the relationship years ago, the next best time for couples therapy is today. The sooner issues are addressed the easier it is to open your heart again to your partner (and yourself) and 20 years from now you can have a relationship that continues to bear the fruits of the work you do today.
My commitment as your therapist is to:
1. Hear and respect the feelings, needs, perspective, and experience of both you and your partner.
2. Help you and your partner understand and value the experience of the other.
3. Challenge assumptions and help you explore motivations in the relationship.
4. Help you and your partner to develop a relationship that honors and care for both of you.
Your relationship can get better. Whether you’re needing help with one of these common relationship issues or others unique to your lives and experiences, I’m here to help:
- Communication
- Pre-Marital Counseling
- Conflict Resolution
- Sexuality
- Deepening Your Connection
- Balance (Work/Life/Family)
- Understanding Racial or Cultural Differences
- Blended Families
- Separation/Divorce
- In-law Struggles
- Infidelity
Sometimes couples who are new to counseling worry that going to couples therapy means that one partner or the other will get blamed for everything going wrong in the relationship. I’ll help you shift out of this dynamic so that you can communicate needs, hear each other, and understand what you each are really fighting for.